

Welcome to MotherMoon: a year-long programme for mothers exploring how your Mother Energy is a source of deep wisdom and power that can change the space we inhabit within ourselves,
our homes,
our communities
and our world.

When I became a mother I felt my world shifted on its axis. My perspectives and my priorities changed. I was cracked wide open and in that split I felt deeply alone.

When we become mothers we go through a rite of passage known as matrescence.

Unfortunately as women, we are no longer initiated in to this Mother phase of our lives. Yes, we might be mothers to children, but our culture does not guide us through this transformative rite of passage.

We have instead been raised as ‘wounded maidens’, praised for our external achievements, for our perfection, for being independent, on top, always on.

Becoming a mother can crack this wide open. This can be incredibly hard, I know I certainly found it to be so, but it can also be a remarkable invitation to awaken our sacred feminine – a new yet ancient energy – creative, intuitive and rooted.

I believe this mothering energy is what our planet needs right now. I believe we hold the key.

This is why I created MotherMoon.

Do you feel called?

  • You feel that there is sacred value in mothering.
  • You feel changed by the last two years of the pandemic and want to live into that change now, supported by other mothers who are also on this path.
  • You want to find different ways to communicate and thrive in your relationships.
  • You want to deepen your trust in and connection to your body and your true self.
  • You deeply feel the loss of a village, a tribe and yearn for more soulful connection.
  • You can see that Mother Earth is struggling and want to tend to her too.

Hi, I’m Layla.

Ten years ago I became a mother for the first time. It was joyous, but I also grappled with the radical identity shift I was experiencing. I felt isolated and overwhelmed. And I thought I was alone.

After nearly seven years of struggling, I discovered the game-changing word Matrescence and gradually began to come home to myself.

I began to trust the wisdom of my own body.
I began to connect with a like-minded tribe.
I began to reconnect to the wisdom and rhythms of the natural world.
I began to reclaim my mother energy.

This is the journey of MotherMoon – a journey I know the power of because I have been there.

Reconnect with your Mother Energy

Mirroring the gestation of a baby, the MotherMoon year will consist of three spirals, each exploring one of the three cornerstones of connection to your Mothering Energy.

Spiral one: Reclaim

(Re)claim the wisdom of your body and your wombspace.

Spiral two: Reconnect

(Re)connect with your partner, your female lineage, other mothers and your community.

Spiral three: Realign

(Re)align to the rhythms and energy of the natural world.

How it works: The Touchpoints

Each time we gather, it will feel like you are pulling up a stool at the hearth of a dear friend. We meet every 2-3 weeks on live calls. Calls are recorded. For full schedule see FAQ’s.


Monthly Full Moon Circles invite you to connect, reset and reflect.


Fireside Guests will join to share inspiring insights and perspectives.


A monthly care email will support with simple resources and guidance.

Fireside guests

Insights and inspiration: gather round our virtual fireside and meet these incredible women who have wisdom to share and stories to tell

Join now for a whole year of nourishment, connection and spark.

Good to know

If your question isn’t answered below feel free to get in touch.
How is the programme structured (dates/times)?
All calls are at 7:30pm, unless otherwise stated. Dates are subject to change.

Spiral One: Reclaiming Connection with our Bodies

Sunday 27 Feb – Moon Circle 1
Tuesday 8 March – ft. Jane Hardwicke Collings – Rites of Passage
Sunday 20 Mar – Moon Circle 2
Tuesday 29 Mar – ft. Cathy French – Womb Connection
Sunday 10 Apr – Moon Circle 3
Tuesday 26 Apr – ft. Kitty Maguire – Listening to our bodies
Sunday 15 May – Moon Circle 4

Spiral Two: Reclaiming Connection with others

Tuesday 24 May – ft. Rachel Roberts – (re)connecting in your relationship
Sunday 12 June – Moon Circle 5
Tuesday 21 June – ft. Beth Berry – (re)creating Community
Sunday 17 July – Moon Circle 6
Sunday 24 July – ft Jessie Harrold – (re)creating Rituals (10am start time)
Sunday 14 Aug – Moon Circle 7
Wednesday 7 Sept – ft. Angharad Wynne – (re)connecting to our ancestors (*note change of day)

Spiral Three: Reclaiming Connection with the Natural World

Sunday 18 Sept – Moon Circle 8
Tuesday 27 Sept – ft Mari Kennedy – Wisdom of our native cycles :: Celtic wheel
Sunday 09 Oct – Moon Circle 9
Tuesday 11 October – ft. Dr Sara Hunt – Nature as Medicine
Tuesday 18 Oct – ft. Dr Allison Davis – Mothering and the more than human world
Sunday 30 Oct – Moon Circle 10 – Samhain celebration

Spiral Four: Titration time

Tuesday 15 Nov – ft. Amy Taylor Kabbaz – Women As Leaders
Sunday 11 Dec – Moon Circle 11 – Deep Winter Restoration
Sunday Jan 29 2023 – Moon Circle 12 [half day in person option]

What is a Moon Circle?
Our Moon Circles are spaces to pause, reflect and share with each other.
Each circle will begin with a meditation led by Layla and an opportunity to journal and reflect. Meditations will focus on the theme of the spiral we are currently in, as well as drawing on the energy of the time of year using both the Celtic calendar and Layla’s experience with the Five Elements. There will always be an opportunity to share your experiences or insights if you wish, but there is no obligation to do so. All circle shares are respected as completely confidential.
Where does the course take place ?

All course material takes place online over Zoom (recordings available). The one exception to this is the final Moon Circle gathering in January 2023, which will be a half day in person gathering for those based in Ireland.

Why a year?
We live in a fast-paced world. We live in an intense world. But some things take time. They need space. I wanted us to have the time to integrate, to absorb, to sit with what we’ll hear. To play with things, try things out before the next fix. I know my nervous system is crying out for this space and time – how about yours?
Will calls be recorded?
Yes, you will have a members area where all circles and fireside guest calls will be uploaded to listen back to.
What is the difference between MotherShip and MotherMoon?
MotherMoon is for mothers who are ready to dive a little deeper, zoom out a little bit more and who have the time and bandwidth to give themselves a little more space. This isn’t necessarily connected to the age of your children – the programme is open to mothers at any stage of your journey, all that’s needed is a sense of being ready to mother and nourish yourself and be sparked by new ideas.

MotherShip is an 8 week course for mothers in the first 1-5 years of motherhood, who might feel that motherhood is not what they were expecting, who want to understand their matrescence and unpick why they are feeling isolated, guilty, overwhelmed and frustrated. If this sounds more like you, you can register your interest here.

MOTHERShip will run in April/May and Sept/Oct 2022.

Can I pay monthly?
Yes, there is a monthly payment plan. You can sign up for 12 monthly payments here.
I’m not based in Ireland, will I miss the final gathering?
No, you will be able to join via Zoom for the final circle regardless of where you are in the world. You’ll miss out on the food and hugs, but you will be made to feel very much part of the closing ceremony.
Another question?

Join MotherMoon and become a catalyst for change.

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